
My name is Norman Gillies and I am the proprietor of Deckin’ Design a business which I established early in 2001 with the aim to offer a top quality decking design and installation service to clients drawing on my personal knowledge and experience gained over the last 20+ years working within the construction industry.

My ethos from day one has been and still is to build each deck as if it was my own. Thus I offer a highly personalised “hands on” service to ensure that your completed deck not only looks good but is built in such a manner as to remain serviceable with little ongoing maintenance for many years to come.

Being personally involved in each and every deck that I build enables me to offer you the confidence and reassurance that your deck will be constructed to the highest standards

I hope that in looking through my website you will appreciate the care and attention to detail that I endeavour to bring to every project entrusted to my care.

If these pages inspire you in constructing your own deck please let me know. If they give you the confidence to contact me with a view to me helping you to achieve your vision then even better!

Norman Gillies
