People ask me what is the best deck that I have built and my answer is the last one! Why?

Because as the saying goes “there is no substitutefor experience” In my case this means that with each new deck I build I continue to add to my knowledge and experience to the benefit of my next client. This process of gradual improvement through experience I call DECKOLOGY!

Deckology means that you not only get a deck which looks good you get a deck which is SAFE SERVICEABLE & SECURE.

A safe DECK is constructed in a manner that ensures it is not a danger to its users. For example, handrails should be of sufficient height and strength to prevent people falling off. Any access steps should be wide enough to be negotiated safely.

A SERVICABLE deck is one which minimise future maintenance for its owner. For example handrails should be fixed clear of the deck boards to aid cleaning. Also where grooved deck boards are used they should be laid to a slight fall to assist in the drainage of rainwater.

A SECURE deck is one where the individual components are held together with the correct type of fixing For example the correct type of deck screws, bolts and washers are used